Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as 'to position in a special way'. 

It is a dynamic, vigorous and fluid style at the same time.

Some of its peculiarities are the attention given both to the coordination between postures (Asanas) and breathing and to the transitions between one posture and another.

In this way, the succession of asanas gives rise to real sequences.

Each element is integrated into the other: movement and breathing, attention and alignment of the body, observation and listening, thus developing an awareness of the union between body and mind.



The practice of Yin Yoga consists of slow movements.
Asanas are held for a long time, to go deep and gently awaken fascias, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones and to relax the muscles.
It acts on the energy channels (Nadi according to Ayurvedic medicine, Meridians according to traditional Chinese medicine).
Through deep, conscious breathing, the tissues are stretched and space is created between the joints.
This practice wonderfully complements Vinyasa, Asthanga or other dynamic practices considered Yang.



Restorative yoga developed with Judith Hanson Lasater, a student of B.K.S. Iyengar.

In this style of yoga, the focus is on complete relaxation of the body.

With the help of various props (blankets, bricks, ropes, cushions, chairs), the asanas are supported and maintained for a long time, thus giving the body and mind the opportunity to relax and regenerate at the same time.



Classes and seminars aimed at dancers, actors, musicians, singers, performers in general, companies, dance and theatre schools and anyone involved in working on and with the body.

In yogic practice, emphasis is placed on the union of body and mind.

Yoga is not only an excellent opportunity for performers to prevent injuries by strengthening, detoxifying and making their bodies more flexible, the instrument of their art, but also to consciously deepen by creatively practising the dialogue that takes place between body and mind.


Online lessons are a good alternative if you are far from the teacher or have tight schedules that prevent you from attending in person.

For successful online lessons, it is necessary to have adequate framing, with a screen that is not too small so that we can both see each other well, full-body, and so that I can potentially correct you if needed.
It's also important to be able to move from sitting to standing easily without spending too much time adjusting the framing.
Ideally, avoid positioning yourself against bright light, have space all around the mat (about 1/2 meter) without obstacles hindering movements and have a wall for some asanas.

Certain conditions allow for recreating an environment to practice with greater safety, as similar as possible to an in-person lesson.


With the fine weather we return outdoors to practise and fortunately Berlin offers many parks where this is possible!

This year, weather permitting, we meet at the Volskpark in Wilmersdorf on the following SUNDAYS


always 10:30 - 11:45

Meeting point:
Yellow bridge between stop U9 Berlinerstrasse and Bundesallee

Personal mat
2 Blocks

14,-€ per lesson

Information and Registration:
It is advisable to contact me before going to the venue. 


Who is it addressed to
Both people currently suffering from cancer who are coping with the side effects of cures and therapies, as well as people who have overcome the disease but are living with a 'new' body. But also people close to them such as family and friends who wish to learn more about the subject in order to better support their loved ones, even if only by doing a yogic practice together.

Oncology Yoga can be considered a supportive therapy that accompanies a cancer patient after an operation or during adjuvant therapies. It is a practice that is certainly not intended to replace traditional therapies or drugs, but is intended to help the patient cope with the discomfort caused by the side effects of the treatments and the disease itself.
It is based on the practice of vinyasa yoga, but with many variations to the asanas (positions) themselves, to simplify their execution but maintain their beneficial effects.

For this reason, oncological yoga makes use of many support objects, such as blocks, pillows, blankets, belts, but these are used in greater quantities than in hatha and vinyasa yoga classes.
Oncological yoga aims to increase mobility (ROM), which is often compromised after operations with the presence of large scars and the formation of adhesions.
To support the immune and lymphatic system compromised following the removal of lymph nodes and the probable manifestation of lymphedema.
To help address and partially overcome the so-called "fatigue", which is felt after radiotherapy and, by strengthening the bone structure, help prevent or slow down osteoporosis which is often a side effect of anti-cancer drugs and chemotherapy.
Not to mention the fact that, by perceiving improvements in the body, the emotional state also improves and is encouraged to undertake a more participatory life towards maintaining one's health.

. In the case of recent operations or ongoing therapies, please notify the teacher to understand together which type of practice is best suited.
. The same goes for lymphedema, neuropathies or other ongoing problems.
. There must be no drainage.
. If there are Ports in the body, it can be practiced, but the person must feel at ease and is asked to notify the teacher, so that she can assign accessible and non-annoying variations.


"Yoga is relationship and relationship is peace".

T.K.V. Desikachar

Based on the assumption that every individual is different, the individual class is an opportunity to establish a direct relationship between teacher and pupil through targeted work.

Adapting the yogic practice to the individual needs of people is one of the cornerstones in the transmission of yoga, carried out by great masters such as T. Krishnamacharya, B.K.S. Iyenger, T.K.V. Desikachar.


In the office or in a room provided by the company, yoga can also be introduced in the workplace, during the lunch break or at the end of the working day.

But why yoga in the workplace?

Precisely where tensions and pressures are greatest, yoga helps, giving the tools to strengthen and relax the person at the same time, restoring the physical and mental balance needed to start, continue or end the working day.

Practice sessions last 30/45/60/75 minutes and can be customised/adapted according to individual needs, schedules and available space.



Seminars and retreats are an excellent opportunity to deepen one's practice.

Especially if they take place in locations where the possibility is given to combine study and holiday in a concentrated and pleasant atmosphere.

In this type of meeting, different aspects of yoga are explored in depth, depending on the pre-established theme:

. Vinyasa Yoga

. Ying Yoga

. Restorative Yoga

. Pranayama

.  Introduction to meditation 

.  Introduction to Anatomy  


During the seminar we will learn two basic sequences of 15-20 minutes each.
One will be performed on the yoga mat and the other on the chair.
We will do exactly this in order to make the yogic sequence as practical and reproducible as possible so that it can be adapted to everyday conditions of space, time and possible physical problems.
If necessary, we will add or adjust some asanas to further customise the sequence according to the needs of each participant.

Participants will receive written material with the basic sequence.
We will repeat the sequence together to memorise it better.
Participants will be able to mark the material with notes and small drawings, so that they can personalise their handout and be able to reconstruct and repeat the sequence at home, without the presence of the teacher.